Environmental Commitments

Eco-design in our creation and operation modes


A group has been created with volunteer employees to work on the eco-design of our products and services. To carry out the approach, employees are trained in the eco-design of digital services and in responsible digital design.

The Group is working on solutions not only to limit the environmental impact of our activities but also to promote accessibility in line with Klee's commitment to digital inclusion.

The management of our consumption


  • Our energy consumption

    Although there was significant growth in headcount between 2017 and 2019, electricity consumption remained stable over the three years. The generalization of teleworking in 2020 has also significantly reduced this consumption.

  • Recycling of computer equipment

    As part of the recycling of its IT equipment (computers, CPUs, hard disks, mice, etc.), Klee Conseil & Intégration works with APR2, a social economy industrial company located in the Yvelines.

  • Managing our waste

    Klee uses Shred-it to recycle its paper and has drastically reduced its consumption. The coffee capsules used by the employees are recycled by the Happy Recyclers.

Our carbon footprint in a few words


Although the year 2020 is not representative because of the consequences of Covid-19, the Group has carried out its first carbon assessment. The Group's carbon footprints will be carried out every year to enable the monitoring and adaptation of action plans.

Klee is committed to a voluntary approach to measuring and improving GHG reduction. Several actions have been put in place to reduce our emissions. The part of the emissions that cannot be reduced will be compensated.