Sustainable IT

Transparency in strategy

CSR is steered at the highest level of the company with the involvement of all departments.

A discussion group has also been set up internally to allow each employee to participate in debates, to propose and carry out CSR initiatives.

Our commitments to national and international initiatives


Label Numérique Responsable (Digital Responsibility Label)

Aware of the environmental footprint of our activities, we are working to change our purchasing policies, extend the lifespan of our equipment and adopt a responsible design approach for the digital services we offer our customers.

Planet Tech' Care

Klee has signed the Planet Tech'Care manifesto. The group is thus committed to raising the awareness of its employees and stakeholders to digital sobriety and to reducing the environmental impact of its digital products and services.

EcoVadis niveau Or

The "Gold" ranking obtained in 2022 places Klee Group in the top 5% of the best performing companies assessed by EcoVadis! Klee Group's customers are now working with a CSR partner recognised worldwide for its responsible and sustainable practices.

Global Compact

Since 2021, Klee Group has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact social responsibility initiative and its 10 principles relating to human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.